Thursday, June 19, 2008

Manti Pageant

HEEELLLOO! I got back from our trip to Manti, Utah, a few days ago. It was super fun! If anyone who reads this ever has the chance to go to the Manti Pageant at the Manti temple, I highly recommend it. I went with my young women's and young men's group. We all had a blast! On the way down, the leader who was driving my car missed a turn and kept going straight for half an hour! When our phones finally got service, we got a message from the other groups that we were going the wrong way and that they had stopped and had been waiting for us for almost 45 minutes! All of us in the car laughed about it, then we called the other groups back and told them we were almost to grand junction which is in Colorado, and turned into this big joke, saying we weren't going to be back for hours and were going to stop and get something to eat. We pulled up 20 minutes after the rest and everyone thought it was funny, well, almost everyone, there were a few who didn't think it so funny. Oops. We got set up, the boys sleeping outside in tents, the girls sleeping inside downstairs. We played games and hung out until we had to leave. That night we went to the Manti Pageant, and it was awesome! It was over around midnight, and my friend, two other girls, and two guys wanted to walk back, it was only ten blocks, so of we went! Eventually we all ended up huddled in one blanket, running up the street singing Allstar. It was way funny. We all had to go to bed, but when you put seven girls in one room, that's not gonna happen. We were talking and laughing until 4 in the morning! Then we all had to wake up at 7 in the morning to go do a service project. We split up into two, some going to sweep out a building, and others going to pick weeds, I was a weed picker. In the picture to the left, I'm the tan butt. :) I and the two guys from the night before were also the entertainment, we sang a lot of random songs, like Take On Me by A-ha, one of our favorites. :) After we were finished, we hightailed it back to the house we were staying at to change into swimsuits to go to the lake! When we got there it was freezing cold, on of the guys jumped into the water without testing it first. I heard his scream and laughed when I looked to see him yelling and swimming back to the dock. I slowly got into the water, making myself used to it. I was on swim team two summers, going at seven o clock in the morning before they had warmed up the pool, jumping in and swimming lap after lap in freezing water, so this was a piece of cake. I got to where the water was at my shoulders to be sure I was used to it, by then almost everyone had noticed what I was doing and they were all yelling that I was crazy. I laughed, and then started to swim to the little lone dock thing about forty feet of shore. I was the first one there, and then all the guys started jumping in to swim to it. I was the only girl on it for a while tell I convinced another one of the girls to come. In the picture to the right, I'm the girl standing up. It was awesome! Then the leaders got canoes and my friend and I raced two of the guys to the other side of the lake and back. We so would have lost if the boys wouldn't have kept dropping there oars, but we won! Then some of the guys convinced this one kid to go, he put his life jacket on over his hoodie sweater, that was a bad idea, cause' they all tipped it over and went into the water! It was really funny! When we got back to the house, most of us took showers, and then we hung out until it was time for the work shops, where they taught about our theme, to be steadfast, or something like that, they were really good, some people were brought to tears. But where people cried the most was at the testimony meetings. Our ward is being split up by the changing of boundary lines, so a lot of people were very emotional because this was the last time we would all be together as the ward as we knew it to be. That night, all the girls were going to play a prank on the guys, I had volunteered my shoe laces for the cause, we were going to tie the zippers on their tents, but when the two perpetrators went out to do the deed, all the boys were outside in sleeping bags! So down to toilet went that! We fell asleep shortly after discussing shaving cream ideas. We left the next day at about ten or so, my friend and I rode in the back, the seat we sat in faced the opposite direction of everyone else, so we were facing all the cars behind us. We made signs that said "HI!", "We're Bored", and a smiley face and held them all up to each car that could see them. Only five people in that three hours of driving did not smile, laugh or wave back. We made near one hundred people laugh and smile on the way back home. I think that was my favorite part of the whole trip. :) Later!

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