Thursday, November 6, 2008

FRED ASTAIRE (Frederick Austerlitz)

I have decided that the man I'm going to marry is going to have the personality Fred Astaire portrays in his movies. No, he will not have to have the talent that Freddy has, but that would be a definite plus! :) Fred Astaire is one of the most talented men that has ever lived. I wasn't into old movies until I spent a week with my grandma, where I watched my first Fred Ataire and Ginger Rogers movie. THANKS GRANDMA! I LOVE YOU! From then until now, I've become increasingly obsessed with old movies. Roberta, and Follow the Fleet, and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, they are all so good, and a lot funner to watch than newer movies, where you have to be worried about what is going to come up on the screen or what you are going to hear. In the old movies i love there is no worry, and I can just enjoy the show, knowing full well that it's going to be awesome! I love how all, okay most, of the men are so gentlemanly, having chivalry and, well, this is so emmbarrissing and cheesy to say, but I love the way they look at the women with so much respect and love, whether it be while they are dancing or when the woman walks in the room with a beautiful, gorgeous, flowing dress on, and the man looks up with awe and a sparkle in his eyes, there is something so sincere and romantic about the way love is portrayed in some old movies. But I love the way Fred Astaire portrays it. Adding comedy and love to gether, and always being so funny! The first time I saw him, he was dancing the balle, and I thought "wow, he's sooo ugly." But now that I've watched so much of the personality he has in his movies, he's grown increasingly good looking to me, and is so funny and cool! I love him to death, and I imagine my husband having the same characteristics. But my marrriage is a long ways away, and I mean a LONG ways away, and anything could happen in that time period, so I won't get my hopes up too high. I'm just a hormonal teenager whos feelings change fast and frequently. :) Haha! Here are a few pictures I found online: